Misty River
Equestrian Center
Claire Ellison
Assistant Trainer
Claire has always had a love for horses. She started taking English riding lessons when she was just 10 years old. She started learning to jump and absolutely loved it, but she loved riding Western too! For the first few years of riding she leased a few different horses and experimented with all different types of riding. She competed in barrel racing, pole bending, learned how to rope, competed in 4H and FFA shows, and even started driving horse carriages on the Kansas City Plaza! However, she soon realized that eventing was her real true passion.
While exploring the different equestrian disciplines Claire was given the opportunity to become a riding instructor. After some training and shadowing many instructors, she started teaching English and Western riding lessons when she was 15 years old!
Claire began regularly competing in eventing, hunters, jumpers, and dressage, and still does to this day. She also began training horses on her own and found her love for training horses as well as training her horseback riding students. She has successfully trained many horses and continues to take on sales horses to help them find their forever homes!
Claire moved to Misty River Equestrian Center in the summer of 2017! She began teaching lessons at Misty River after becoming CHA certified for both Western and English disciplines when she was 18! A few years later she also joined on to be MREC's Assistant Trainer!
Claire owns 2 horses of her own that are located on her property. Owen is a 10 year old dapple grey Dutch Warmblood, and Oakley is a 4 year old grey Holsteiner. Claire did lots of eventing with Owen and has owned him since January of 2018. And Oakley was born April of 2019 with the hope to eventually be Claire's eventing competition horse when he becomes old enough to start training.
Claire absolutely loves horses and loves passing that passion onto other people. Teaching others to ride and training horses is what makes her happy and she plans on doing it for the rest of her life!